As soon as you tell your friends and family you’re planning a move, they’ll likely ask you where your new place is. What they aren’t likely to ask is when your move date is. But maybe they should. Planning a move is a significant undertaking, and selecting your move date and time may seem like an inconsequential detail in all of that. But it can make a huge difference in how smoothly your move goes. Our tips and guidelines can help you plan your Minnesota move — and possibly save money along the way. You might have less control over this one, so it depends on you and your needs. If your lease isn’t up until July, you’ll probably be moving in July. If you sell your current home, the timing will depend on the market. However, the peak moving season is May through September, with most moves happening at the end of May into June. If you can swing October through April, you could save a fair amount of money. The first and last weeks of each month are the busiest for moving because people are signing new leases and need to leave their old place by a particular day. If you are moving to a new home, you may have more flexibility when choosing the month you move. Mid-month is the slowest time for moving, so you’ll likely be able to score a discount if you’re willing to move at this time. Most people move on weekends (Friday through Sunday) to avoid taking time off work and school. Weekdays (Monday through Thursday) are actually the best days to move because movers are usually booked solid on those coveted days. Moving rates might be lower on weekdays. If you don’t see lower rates posted, ask if you can get any discount for picking a less busy day. The morning (roughly 8-10 am) is the best time to move. It’s when you and your movers will be the freshest, especially in warmer months when the heat is building throughout the day. Getting an earlier start means you can start settling in and unpacking. After considering weather conditions and schedule, mid-late summer weekday morning in the middle of the month is the best time to move to Minneapolis. Kids are out of school, and the weather is usually cooperative, if not beautiful. If summer doesn’t work for you, early spring or late autumn can also be great times to move to and around Minnesota. Sometimes you can’t control your schedule and when you need to move. If you need to move during the winter months, don’t worry! Moving in the winter means less competition. And one of the benefits of hiring local Minnesota movers is we’re not thrown by the weather—moving in the winter doesn’t scare us one bit. After all, we’ve been moving people to and across this state for over 50 years. Pro-Tip: If you move during the winter, triple-check that your new home's heat is turned on before you arrive. You don’t want to move into a freezing cold house! Whether it’s a sweltering summer day or a snowstorm, our team can easily move your belongings. We’re well-versed in Minnesota moves and getting our customers wherever they need to go. Whether you’re heading down the street or up north, we’re dedicated to delivering 100% satisfaction. These resources can help you make the most of your time in Minnesota, no matter what you’re into. Best Month to Move in Minnesota: Off-season
Best Time of Month to Move in Minnesota: Mid-Month
Best Time of Week to Move: Weekdays
Best Time to Move: Morning
What is the Best Time of Year to Move to Minneapolis?
We’re Experts at Moving in the Winter
Hire AAA Movers Offers Year-Round Flexibility
Call or email us today for a free quote; see what happens when you leave the heavy lifting to the professionals. Make the Most Out of Minnesota Life