Most people think an apartment move can be done on their own since apartments typically have fewer things than a house. Using professional movers may seem unnecessary, but there are a variety of different obstacles to moving that pros encounter every day. If you're planning on doing a DIY job, here are 4 reasons to consider hiring professional movers for your apartment move instead. Moving in and out of an apartment building either by yourself or with friends can take a long time. It's not fun for anybody to move a sofa out of their apartment, down an elevator (or stairs!), and into a vehicle. Only to repeat the process in reverse once you get to the new apartment building. Moving yourself can take hours up to an entire day — and if your apartment only has stairs, this adds to the duration and wears you out quickly. With movers, the number of trips are reduced, and you save a significant amount of time and sweat equity. Apartment moves with professional movers only take a few hours, which gives you more time and flexibility to start unpacking. A common misconception about using professional movers is that they will cost you an arm and a leg. In reality, a DIY move can add up quickly. If you factor in the costs of equipment, gas, rental truck, and food, using professional movers may be a better option for you. With any move, you are at risk of damaging your things — especially when the movers aren't trained professionals. Hiring a ProMover Certified team means your possessions will be in good (and strong) hands. Most people don't have professional moving equipment laying around in a closet somewhere. Using a professional mover guarantees that you'll have all the moving supplies and equipment you need. A professional moving truck with dollies, ties, and wraps — not to mention a crew of pros — beats a friend with a pickup truck any day. Movers should know the best practices for safe and efficient packing and moving. If you have odd items that aren't able to be packed away in a box, they will help you take care of it. Moving yourself can lead to injury, even for those who hit the gym regularly. Professional movers make lifting look easy, but they use proper lifting techniques. Movers also know how to move your bed, sofa, TV, and other large items in an efficient manner and without scratching or dinging walls. Choosing movers for an apartment move can give you peace of mind and an easy transition into a new home. If you're planning a local apartment move, AAA Movers provides quality services and fair prices. Contact us today to learn more about what we offer!1 Saves time
2 Saves money
3 Proper equipment
4 Experience